Join us for the 3rd annual Ending
Clinician Burnout Global Summit.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024 · 10:00 a.m. |

Together we can use our creativity, innovative spirit, and
community network to create lasting cultural change.
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Welcome/Opening Remarks

Jonathan Fisher MD and Kelcey Trefethen M.Ed.

Keynote—ChatGPT: Physician's Friend or Foe?

Robert Pearl MD, Forbes Healthcare Contributor, Stanford Faculty, Former CEO, Permanente
Medical Group; best-selling author of the recently released book, ChatGPT, MD.

Technology + Burnout

Tina Shah MD, former senior advisor — US Surgeon General, Chief Clinical Officer at Abridge,
Workforce and Health Policy Expert, and Dr. Jonathan Fisher, MD

No Regrets: Solutions to Support Well-Being

J. Corey Feist JD, MBA; Co-Founder and CEO of Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes' Foundation, Adjunct
Professor at University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Creating Change Through Creativity

Justin Kovarsy, VP, Creative Director, FCB Health NY
Jeremy Rosario, VP, Associate Creative Director, and artist, FCB Health NY
Ayman Mukerji Househam, MSW
Janae Sharp, CEO, Sharp Index

Leadership Is Worthless… But Leading Is Priceless: Battling
Burnout and Restoring Resiliency

Thom Mayer MD; Medical Director, NFL Players Association;
EVP, Logix Health; Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at George Washington University;
Senior Lecturing Fellow at Duke University

The Stanford Model of Professional Fulfillment in Action: Cultivating
a Culture of Wellness, Building Resilience, and Eliminating What's Most
Wasteful Through The Empowerment Dynamic®

Heather Fitzgerald DBe, MS, RN; Director of the Office of Professional Fulfillment and Resilience,
Stanford Medicine Children's Health

Closing Remarks

Jonathan Fisher MD and Kelcey Trefethen M.Ed.
Webinar: Registration by Studio RX